- The articles, which are previously unpublished, have a maximum length of 10,000 words.
- Each article should be preceded by a maximum of five key words and an abstract, which should not exceed 200 words.
- The author/s should include a bio for the Contributors section of the Journal. The bio should not exceed 300 words and should include at least the academic institution, governmental agency or company in which they are employed, and an e-mail.
- The articles could be written in English or Spanish.
- In case of using third-party materials in the article, authors should secure the required permission. Using short excerpts of text as well as certain other kinds of materials is often permitted for the purpose of review and evaluation, on a restricted basis.
- Articles could include images, charts, and graphs that support the developed thesis, which should be submitted both in English and Spanish.
- American-style spelling should be used throughout the article.
- For headings and structure of the articles, authors should refer to the following template. In case it is not possible to download from the link, contact the Managing Editor.
- References should be included in the text by name and year in parentheses (in-text citations), for example (Werner, 2010). When more than three authors are cited use “et al.”: (Roura et al. 2012). The list of all references should appear at the end of the article under the title “References”. The list should be alphabetically sorted. Citations should follow APA style: author or authors, year of publication of the article (in round brackets), article title, journal title, volume of journal, issue number of journal in round brackets, page range of article, DOI or URL.
- The Journal uses endnotes, not footnotes, to provide additional information. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively. All endnotes should appear at the end of the article under the heading “Endnotes”.
- All acknowledgments or declaration of interest statements should be included at the end, before the References.
- The original manuscripts should be submitted electronically in “Microsoft Word” or compatible. Images should be sent in jpg format and in high resolution.
- The Journal reserves the right to edit and correct items, including certain portions separate and square up the particularly relevant or bold text, respecting the spirit of the original.
- The Editorial Board of the Journal of Antarctic Affairs will peer review all articles and select the ones for publication.
- The Journal does not charge for submission or publication.
Direct all inquiries to the Managing Editor at jlucci@antarcticaffairs.org